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This file contains part numbers and and sizes for the most common replaceable items on Shoptask, Shopmaster and Chicago Lathe machines from 1990 to present.
Wiring diagram for USA replacement motors with colored wires for all early Shoptask and Shopmaster 3 in1 combo lathe mill machines.
Wiring diagram for USA replacement motors with numbered wires for all early Shoptask and Shopmaster 3 in1 combo lathe mill machines.
This file explains how to wire a toggle switch on early Shoptask 3 in1 machines when the original switches are no longer available. Also contains suggestions for replacement motors.
This file contains information on drive components like cnc drive belts, ball screws, tooth belt pulleys etc. for all Shop[task, Shopmaster and Chicago Lathe manual and CNC combo 3 in 1 machines.
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